A special moment of charity!

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prewa is continuing its tradition and this year has once again decided to do good in three ways instead of traditional customer gifts. We are proud to donate €1000 to “Kinderherzen heilen”, an organisation that helps sick children and gives them a smile.

On 12 December 2023, the time had come – the symbolic cheque was handed over to Mrs Ruth Knab, the chairwoman of “Kinderherzen heilen”. It is a matter close to our hearts to bring a little bit of joy into the lives of these children, and we wish them “all the best” with all our hearts.

Gerald Dörr and Holger Münch, part of the prewa management team, accompanied this moving gesture of solidarity. Let’s carry hope and love into the world together!

If you would like to find out more about the organisation, you can find further information on the website: https://www.kinderherzen-heilen.de/

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